Ecommerce Sales Funnel

If You Get Your Sales Funnel Right, You Have The Conversions.

If you are not properly optimizing your ecommerce sales funnel, you could lose money and end up with a lower conversion rate. A well-optimized marketing funnel ensures that your audience is directed to the right place at the right time. 

At WebChanakya, we understand websites are not only a significant source of revenue, but they also help us connect with our clients and potential customers. Our team of experts have helped hundreds of brand owners to gain more leads, to sell more products and to optimize their ecommerce businesses to achieve higher conversion rates.  

Stages of our Ecommerce Sales Funnel

Your product is great. The website is cool. The landing page is perfect. But if no one buys, then you haven't succeeded yet. There are four stages to the conversion funnel that lead to a sale. Once a potential buyer gets close enough to click 'buy,' you want to make sure they take action. Here's the progression of the funnel, from initial contact to final purchase.

Awareness Stage

The Awareness stage of the funnel represents the moment when the visitor finds your site, sees your products, and notices your message. You want to use the website and products to provide the information and value they need to make a decision about whether to move forward or not. To accomplish this, brands must provide a compelling customer journey (or customer path) that allows their customers to connect with their brand. In the awareness stage, you are selling a brand, not a product.

Consideration Stage

Once your visitor is aware of your product, they need to consider whether they are interested in learning more. In the consideration stage, we make sure your online store shows a clear value proposition to potential customers. At this stage, we identify what your prospect needs and what he or she wants to solve with your product or service. We answer their questions and show them how your product can improve their situation. 

Purchase Stage

The purchase stage is the initial decision to make a purchase. We understand that your customers are looking for three things. They're looking for a reason to buy your product or service. They're looking for a way to save money. And they're looking for a good deal. And that's what we help you take care of. We help you create a buying experience that makes it easy for people to find reasons to buy your product or services.

Retention Stage

At this stage, you've already built trust with your consumers and are looking to drive loyalty. Our goal is to provide the right kind of value to your customers and keep your existing customers happy. Our team will make sure that your ecommerce store builds the rapport as well as reputation for your brand. This helps ensure repeat purchases. 


Drive Results Through Ecommerce Sales Funnel Management

A customer goes through various stages and has different touchpoints before he/she makes the purchase. We understand how taking the visitor through every stage of the e commerce sales funnel is important to increase our conversions. Our team of experts know how to make your visitor's journey smooth and effective so they the reach the bottom of the funnel. 

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Paid Search
SEO sits right on top of the sales funnel. It’s all about getting your brand in front of people who want what you have to offer. SEO can help drive traffic, but it doesn’t guarantee that they will convert into customers. Paid search helps drive qualified leads through the sales funnel by targeting keywords relevant to your products or services.

Advertising on Social Media Channels
Social media advertising is a great way to reach new audiences, build relationships and grow your business. Facebook ads allow you to target specific groups of people based on their interests, age, gender, location and other demographic factors. You can also use Facebook ads to promote your website and increase its visibility. 

Creating interesting content that will hook people in
Content marketing is one of the best ways to attract visitors to your site. Content marketing includes everything from blog posts to videos to infographics. The key to creating effective content is having something valuable to say and then saying it in such a way that your audience wants to hear it.

Community engagement and influencer marketing
Influencers are individuals who have large followings online. They may not always be experts in your niche, but they often know someone who is. Influencers can help spread the word about your business, which means more potential customers.

Email marketing
Email marketing allows you to send messages directly to your contacts' inboxes. Email marketing campaigns typically include promotional emails, like coupon codes, event reminders, and special offers.

Optimizing your website user experience (UX)
The last part of the ecommerce funnel optimization is where users interact with your website. This could be anything from filling out forms to buying items. To make sure your website is as easy to navigate as possible, consider using UX testing tools. These tools let you test different versions of your website before rolling them out to real users.

Using content to showcase product features and benefits
When it comes to ecommerce websites, there’s no shortage of options when it comes to displaying products. Some sites feature simple lists while others go for an eye-catching grid layout. Whatever type of display you choose, make sure it showcases the most important information first.

Educating and supporting decision-making with reviews and buyers' guides
Reviews and buyer's guides give shoppers additional information about your products. Reviews are especially helpful if you sell physical goods because they provide unbiased feedback from previous customers. Buyer's guides are similar to reviews, except they focus on providing detailed descriptions of how each item works.

Live chat on product pages
Live chat is another tool that can help boost conversions. Live chat lets visitors ask questions about your products without leaving the page. And since live chat conversations don't require users to leave the site, this tactic can encourage repeat visits.

Using social proof
Social proof is a psychological concept that says people tend to trust what other people think or do. So by showing off positive customer ratings and testimonials, you can encourage shoppers to buy from you.

Offering free shipping
Free shipping is a popular incentive among consumers. It makes sense: If you're offering a low price, why wouldn't you want to sweeten the deal? Offering free shipping is also a great way to increase sales.

Promoting discounts
Discounts are a great way to get new customers to come back to your store. But you need to offer them at the right time. For example, you might offer a discount during the holidays, but not during summer vacation.

Offering promotions and benefits
You should use promotions and incentives to keep customers engaged throughout their shopping journey. Promotions and incentives can take many forms, including coupons, cash back rewards, and gift cards.

Incentives can help drive traffic to your site. When you offer something valuable to your audience, they'll feel compelled to visit your site.

Upsell and cross-sell
Cross-selling refers to selling related products to existing customers. Upselling is similar, except instead of selling related products, you're encouraging customers to purchase more expensive items. Both tactics can lead to higher conversion rates.

The final step in the ecommerce conversion funnel is where you handle objections. If someone has a problem with one of your products, you need to address it quickly. Otherwise, they may just move along to another retailer.

To avoid losing a potential customer, you need to have a plan for handling objections. This could include having a dedicated team member who handles these issues. Or you could create a special email address for customers to send complaints.

Once you've converted a shopper into a customer, you need to continue nurturing them. Remarketing allows you to target specific groups of customers based on their browsing history.

For example, if you notice that someone visited your website after purchasing a particular product, you can show them ads for that same product.

This helps you connect with customers as they browse through different parts of your site. 

Abandoned cart emails
An abandoned cart email is an email sent when a user leaves a cart before completing checkout. These emails give you the opportunity to follow up with the visitor and encourage them to complete their order.

This type of email is especially useful because it gives you the chance to remind customers of their unfinished orders.

Most Important Ecommerce Sales Funnel KPIs We Measure

Conversion Rate
This is the number of visitors who complete a specific step on the sales funnel. It’s also known as “conversion rate” because it tells us how many people have converted into a new customer after visiting our website.
Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
This is the average cost of acquiring a single customer. CPA is calculated by dividing the total revenue generated by a campaign by the number of unique visitors.
Average Order Value (AOV)
This is the amount spent on each lead before they become a customer. AOV is calculated by dividing the sum of all orders placed during a given period by the total number of leads acquired during that same period.
Cart Abandonment Rate
This is the percentage of shoppers who add items to their cart but don't end up purchasing.
Add to Cart Rate
This is the percentage ratio of visitors who add items to their shopping cart compared to the total number of visitors. Add to Cart Rate gives us insight into which products are driving traffic to our site.
Page Views
This is the number of times that a specific page is viewed. Page views give us insight into how many people are visiting different parts of our website.
Customer Lifetime Value
This is the average amount of time that a customer spends in your business. Customer lifetime value can be used to calculate ROI.
Retention Rate
This is the ratio of returning customers to first-time customers. Retention rate is calculated by dividing the number of returning customers by the number of first-time customers.
Repurchase Rate
This is the percent of customers who make repeat purchases from you. Repurchase rate is calculated by dividing repeat purchases by total purchases.
Return Rate
The number of returns divided by the total sales. Returns give us insight into how well our products are selling.

How will Ecommerce Sales Funnel Management benefit my Ecommerce Store?

Why Choose WebChanakya for Ecommerce Marketing Funnel Optimization?

We're a dedicated team of passionate professionals, with extensive knowledge of the internet marketing industry and years of experience working with e-retailers, digital marketing agencies, software companies, search engine optimization companies, web development companies and affiliate marketers.

We provide ecommerce sales funnel optimization services to help you achieve a better ROI on your e-retail site. We're confident that we can significantly improve your conversion rate without any significant impact on your sales or traffic.

Our primary goal is to provide our customers with exceptional service and quality work, so that they can focus on more important aspects of their business.

The following are a few of the reasons why you should choose WebChanakya for your e-retail sales funnel optimization needs.


  1.  Our clients come from all corners of the globe. No matter where you're located, we'll work hard to get your business recognized in the search engines.
  2. We have a proven track record. Over the past 6 years, our team has worked with many e-retailers, software companies, search engine optimization companies, web development companies and affiliate marketers. Each client gets real results!
  3. We have access to the best tools and technology. We've been using a variety of tools over the years to optimize our clients' websites. We've also invested in a couple of great tools, which we think you'll find invaluable when optimizing your site.
  4. We have an experienced team. We are a team of passionate internet marketers with years of experience in SEO, PPC, AdWords and affiliate marketing. We love what we do and we are excited to show you how we can help you reach your goals.
  5. We can provide fast results. Our work is always based on the latest research and our methodologies are always up-to-date. With us, you won't have to wait weeks or months to see your results.
  6. Our service is completely customizable. The more you tell us about your needs, the more we can custom tailor a package for you.

🚀 GROWTH IS EASY WITH webChanakya 

  • Human-Centric marketing approach

  • Pool of experienced digital marketers

  • Dedicated account manager for all projects

  • Scalable Marketing Framework

Don't know where to begin?


Frequently Asked Questions

Ecommerce Sales Funnel Management FAQs
1What is conversion rate optimization for ecommerce?
Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of improving the performance of your website by making small tweaks to its design and content. CRO helps you increase conversions, which means getting more people to take action on your offer. It's one of the most effective ways to boost your revenue. 
2How can you improve your ecommerce conversion rate?
There are several factors that influence your conversion rate:
1) Your product/service offering - Is it relevant to your audience? Are there enough options available? Can you add value to your visitors?
2) Design - Does your website look professional? Do you use the right colors, fonts and images?
3) Content - Is your content clear and concise? Is it easy to navigate?
3What is a conversion optimization plan?
A conversion optimization plan is a set of actions designed to drive more traffic to your website and convert them into paying customers. This includes everything from improving your landing pages to creating new offers.
4What does a conversion optimization plan include?
It depends on your specific situation. For example, if you sell products online, then you might need to create a shopping cart page. If you want to attract more leads, then you could focus on increasing your lead generation campaigns.
5How long will it take to start seeing results?
It takes time to make changes to your website. You may not notice any immediate improvements, but as soon as you implement these changes, you'll start to see positive results.
6How to use customer experience analytics for boosting cx?
Customer experience analytics (CXA) is a way to measure the quality of your customer’s experience. It measures things like the speed at which they complete their purchase, whether they were satisfied with the transaction, etc. By measuring these metrics, you can learn more about your customers and get insights that can be used to improve your business.
7What problems could users be having on the site?
The first step in solving any problem is understanding why it happened. With user experience analytics, you can identify potential issues before they become major problems.Â